Signs of Spring Visiting the Tea Room: The Story Told by the Plum Blossom Lid Rest

In the latter half of January, the harsh cold continues to grip the world. Yet, within the tea room, a faint breath of spring quietly approaches. The key to this subtle change lies in a single lid rest, gently placed on the tea table. This lid rest, crafted in the glistening green glaze of Zeze ware, takes the form of a plum blossom, evoking a quiet promise of the season to come.

This lid rest is not only beautiful. If you look closely, you can see that its design is not limited to the delicate plum flowers—it also suggests the strong, resilient branches of the plum tree. It’s as if this lid rest embodies the plum blossom itself, which endures the harshness of winter before welcoming the arrival of spring. Sitting in the tea room, gazing at it, you can quietly sense the strength of nature and the hope that the changing of the seasons brings.

Now, imagine the tea room where this lid rest is placed. On the hanging scroll, you see the plum branches beginning to bloom, with a warbler seemingly celebrating the arrival of spring. In the alcove, the vibrant tsukubane (plum shoots) and camellias are arranged, infusing the room with a gentle presence of life. And just as a guest reaches for their tea bowl, their gaze falls upon the plum blossom lid rest.

“How lovely this plum lid rest is,” someone might say. This comment could spark a conversation about the plum blossoms, which have been revered as “harbingers of spring” since ancient times. The symbolism of hope and endurance embodied by the plum blossom could lead to a rich discussion, enhancing the tea experience.

Tea utensils often serve as the “storyteller” of the tea room. The quiet presence of the plum lid rest weaves together an invisible but tangible “time” and “space.” Through this small tool, we can feel the signs of spring and rediscover the preciousness of nature. This, perhaps, is one of the profound charms of the tea ceremony.

The passage of seasons felt through tools—this can be incorporated into our daily lives as well. Just as the Zeze ware plum lid rest quietly brings the breath of spring into the tea room, why not add small seasonal stories to our everyday lives too?